Question 2
Node 1 in a clustered pair detects that it has lost connectivity to one of its disk shelves. Node 1 is still up, but it cannot see one of its disk shelves. However, the partner node, Node 2, can see all of the Node 1’s disk shelves. Which feature will cause Node 2 to monitor this error condition for a period of three minutes by default, and then forcibly take over Node 1 if the error condition persists?
Correct answer: B
Explanation: failover is a general facility which supports negotiated failover on the basis of decisions made by various modules. cf.takeover.on_disk_shelf_miscompare This option allows negotiated takeover to be enabled when the cluster nodes detect a mismatch in disk shelf count. By default, this option is set to off. This option is available only when cluster is licensed and changing the value on one filer automatically changes the value on the partner filer.
Negotiated failover is a general facility which supports negotiated failover on the basis of decisions made by various modules.
This option allows negotiated takeover to be enabled when the cluster nodes detect a mismatch in disk shelf count. By default, this option is set to off.
This option is available only when cluster is licensed and changing the value on one filer automatically changes the value on the partner filer.